"Building Doors"

«The sons of Sena built the door of the Fish; they framed it, and raised its gates, with their locks and bolts."

Nehemiah 3:3

The fish gate was the second gate that was restored in Jerusalem, this gate was so called because it was through there that the fishermen who came to the city entered to sell the catch of the day. This gate could have been downplayed, but it was necessary because through it came the food for the people. This door spiritually symbolizes giving our testimony and speaking of our faith. In our hearts this door must also be restored, in the book of Matthew 4:19 it says "And he said to them: Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.", when Jesus speaks of making us fishers of men, he means that He will use us to bring others to the feet of Christ, since it is not only about reaching our salvation, but also that many others can come to the knowledge of God through our words, our testimony and our faith.

I always remember with great joy my first days recently converted to the Lord, my heart burned with the desire to tell everyone that Jesus was alive and lived in my heart, that afternoon I read all the tracts that they gave me in the church, I felt the desire to tell people how wonderful it was to feel accepted, loved and forgiven by the Lord. That is the first love, that love that leads us to remove shame, scruples and what they will say and leads us to open our lips and share Jesus with everyone who approaches us.

How is this door on you?? Do you share Jesus?? What means do you use to be able to spread the message of salvation, what God has done in your life and the consolation you have received from Him? New strength, hope and faith to face day by day?

It is very important that we restore this door in us, the enemy wants to steal, kill and destroy the lives of our friends, family and neighbors who do not have Christ in their life and we cannot have an indifferent heart towards lost souls. Today we have many ways to communicate with others, social networks, mobile devices bring us closer to others and we must not only use them to communicate, but we must also use them to share the message of life, the word of God, a message, a card, a phrase can encourage a discouraged heart and fill it with hope, they can light the way and bring the light of Jesus to the life of a heart that is living in darkness, we must restore this door in us that will be a blessing to many.

Pastor Yoanny Martinez.

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