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Hold Your Position of Justice

Justice is a position, whoever walks on the path of perfection will serve me! Psalms 101:6

The righteous judge the systems with their presence and avoid curse judgments. When you have a life of relationship with God and are in a position of justice, where the enemy has no part or luck, you have everything in your hands to defeat the enemy, and of those people who are not yet believers, they will have these who be measured to say and speak inappropriate language or bad words in front of someone who carries the presence of God, because we are people who represent the light. 

Because of the righteous, God blesses his nation and judges the enemies of his people. A righteous man like Daniel is enough to judge the entire system of Babylon.

Daniel 5:27- TEKEL: You have been weighed in the balance, and you were found wanting. PERES: Your kingdom has been broken, and given to the Medes and the Persians.

God said to King Belshazzar…. Your kingdom has been weighed in the balance and found false. What was the counterweight on the scale to weigh the system? Daniel's justice! That's purity! If there is something that the church has left behind, it is the justice of God. Your justice will bring about preservation of your life and your family and the counterweight to judge the sin and evil of a nation in crisis. 

These are times when we must love justice and walk in it.

Pastor José Daniel.

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