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Attacks During the Conflict

I definitely believe that when you fight immersed in the glory of God and win, THE DEVIL CANNOT STRIKE BACK.

  • Now, the case is different during the battle or in the preparations for it.
  • In my experience, in countless battles, I have seen the devil attack BEFORE THE WAR.
  • He will do anything to persuade us not to face the fight.
  • This is the moment when the glory has not yet been manifested, everything is in preparation, and that is where he begins to send his darts.

In fact, humanly, the most difficult part many times, are the fights before the war. Once the war has started and until it is over, it is possible to be under intense attack. But I believe that if we remain immersed in Jesus and in the brightness of his glory we will not be touched.

  • In other wars, the glory manifests itself so powerfully that the enemies end up against each other and we only glorify God.
  • The first thing to overcome is the battle of faith and resistance.
    It is at this stage that God will truly prepare his army.
  • We will be in a direct relationship with God, in which the Lord polishes us and places us in positions of authority to be able to win when the war requires all the armor and all the power of God in us.

It is as if God put us in a high level military training camp, where the one who does not pass the training tests, the less he will be ready for battle.

Pastor Yoanny Martinez.

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