Not a lot of people know a lot about mechanics, but everyone does know that we cannot put gas mixed with water into a vehicle, no matter how new it may be. On the contrary, we will have a disaster on our hands by doing so.

The other day I saw that I was low on fuel just as I was driving through an unknown area... and i ended up filling up my tank with low quality fuel because I didn't plan to fill my tank before I left.

If at some point you have lived this experience, than you know what I am talking about...

When gas is mixed with water, the car starts to jerk, it can start giving you problems and releasing a white smoke that bothers other drivers and then when you least expect it, it breaks down along the road. Thankfully, that wasn't my case but it could have happened!

Moral of the Story: don't wait until your car is low on gas to fill it up! Don't leave it for the last minute.

A) be careful with the gas station that you visit because the gas could be mixed with water!

You know something?

This also happens with our relationship with God. We want to live a successful life with a little bit of God and a lot of ourselves. Or even a little bit of God but a lot of the system that we participate in. (A little bit of gas mixed with water)

Believe me, this mix is a dangerous mix! And the worst thing is that you don't realize it until you are left stranded.

Stop and think, what kind of fuel am I consuming and mixing?

Who am I allowing to fill my tank of life?

You are what others deposit in you!

Friends, counselors, toxic relationships, information from unreliable resources, ambiences that aren't pleasing to God? Everyday these things are wanting to deposit something in you!

Your intentions no longer matter when you are trying to mix fuel and water.

Si estas mezclando el consejo de Dios con el consejo que el mundo te ofrece

If you mix your faith with reasons that compete with your faith...

If you mix your Christian life with a lot or a little of what the world offers...

You will end up NOWHERE! Very soon your vehicle will end up wrapped in white smoke and you scratching your head asking why.

you did not reach your destination.

Lets be authentic! Do not let anyone put water in your gas!

No se si ahora mismo te conectaste y eres de lo que dices: Pastor he perdido la paz, he perdido el gozo, algo no me deja ser feliz, estoy pasando por una crisis en mi matrimonio, me estoy divorciando, he perdido la confianza en Dios en mi crisis. Hay una enfermedad que limita!

Diagnostico: Chequea que gasolina tienes dentro! 
La calidad de tu gasolina, marcara la calidad de tu viaje por la vida!

Quienes son tus consejeros? a quien le prestas tus oídos?

Que tiempo inviertes en escuchar a Dios hablar! Que tanto al cielo se parece tu casa cuando nadie te ve?

Allí está la respuesta!

Oremos juntos al Señor y dile: Señor quiero mas de ti y menos de mi!

Quiero desterrar el fracaso, el temor a darme por vencido, destierro de mi vida

todo lo que me atrase y me lleve cautivo!

Quiero ser autentico! recuerda todavía tienes el resto de la semana para comenzar a hacer arreglos en tu vida!

Pídele a Dios que te ayude a reconstruir todo lo que colapso en tu vida

Espero que este mensaje haya sido de bendición a tu vida, y si así lo fue déjanos tus comentarios aquí debajo , suscríbete mi canal de youtube y compártelo con tus amigos.

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