Payday has Arrived

I think we all like this day, but read carefully what I want to share with you.

Let's look closely at Job's life:
– His wife had cursed him.
– His children had died.
– His possessions were stolen.
– His health was gone.

Pero Dios no había terminado de bendecirlo. “Y quitó Jehová la aflicción de Job, cuando él hubo orado por sus amigos; y aumentó al doble todas las cosas que habían sido de Job.» Job 42:10-15: «bendijo Jehová el postrer estado de Job más que el primero; porque tuvo catorce mil ovejas, seis mil camellos, mil yuntas de bueyes y mil asnas, y tuvo siete hijos y tres hijas. Y no había mujeres tan hermosas como las hijas de Job en toda la tierra.” Esta fuerte verdad? Pero hay algo que hoy que el Señor te dice: “Tu asignación te puede costar todo”. Te puede costar status social, finanzas, salud y las relaciones más cercanas que hayas edificado durante toda tu vida. Pero el día de recompensa está garantizado siempre.

I read this story some time ago: one of the greatest preachers in history had a relationship with his wife that broke his heart. She despised his work for God. She would stay in the back when he ministered, calling out various names to him. But he kept his focus on her. He refused to answer her. He only responded to her assignment and her call.

Today many of us don't even know his name, while his ministry has continued to bless thousands to this day. Refuse to quit. Use patience as a weapon against the opposition. That is to say, like that military machine that was used in the past to demolish walls, in the shape of a ram's head. Tomorrow you will taste the rewards of whatever price you pay today.
“So do not lose your trust, which has a great reward; because patience is necessary for you, so that having done the will of God, you may obtain the promise. For yet a little while, and he who is to come will come and will not delay” (Hebrews 10: 35-37).


Pastor Yoanny Martinez.

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